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The CopyWriters Connection [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
what's you think should be the backbone of an ad agency?Views: 227
Nov 28, 2006 11:14 am re: re: re: what's you think should be the backbone of an ad agency?
Achuth Nair It depends on what according to you is quality. In advertising an ad/campaign which sells the product/service most is good quality advertising. What you see in annuals, if it sells the product or service well then those also can be called quality. What the mass decides is the best IS THE BEST. Not what 10-20 guys gather around a round table and say this ad is good.. this ad is bad… well.. they don’t have statistical data on what that ad has done for the product/service. Anyway you have to put your own parameters about what is quality. And an ad which sells doesn’t have to be something like that of BSNL or any New India Assurance… or whatever… Direct… well to a certain extent it depends on the product/service and the TA on how abstract you can go with the communication. Think of advertising as a dialogue between you and your friend (for products related to your age group and demographics) or you and your dad (for that kind of a product) think of ways on how to make that conversation interesting… what all imageries you would use.. what all references you would take… etc…etc… how would you convince them into buying this product/service. Then you have a good ad.

Creativity is not restricted to any departments. In advertising each stuff should be seen differently. Your account exec should be creative enough to understand what he is selling. The media guys should be able to suggest different ways… etc. etc.. then you have a good agency..

And successful & happy clients


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