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The CopyWriters Connection [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Your thoughts about 'editorial' skills required by copywriters...Views: 200
Nov 28, 2006 4:04 am re: Your thoughts about 'editorial' skills required by copywriters...
meena jayadeva This is in response to Sharif's question and in celebration of Robb Zerr's wonderful answer.

The following points are on our company website, in a section where we define our writing philosophy.I think this addresses both the question you asked, a few that you didn't and some issues connected to writing in general:

Our Eight Principles of Good Writing

* We believe that professional writing is not a personal expression or literary effort, unless the author is the "hero" of the piece and the subject matter is secondary to the author's interpretations, opinions and style. Writing is effective communication where words are only a part of the exercise. A writer's personal style will, of course come through (which is only natural and as it should be)—but it is not the fulcrum around which everything else revolves.
* We encourage and laud inspired brilliant creativity (which is obviously the most effective for a given purpose).
* We encourage and laud wit, humour and the light touch as long as it is integral to effective communication in a given context.
* We discourage puns, clever word-play, verbal gimmicks, irrelevant and forced wit and humour, round-aboutness, flippancy and facetiousness—and generally a school-level tone—in our writing.
* We expect our writers and researchers to show initiative in setting up and reviewing research, writing and creative bench-marks.
* We expect our writers/researchers to see a solution to a given problem as a process of evolution and discovery, debate and dissent.
* We expect our writers/researchers to carefully check the authenticity and reliability of sources and to acknowledge them in the finished article.
* Good writing does not come out of thin air but from an understanding of the subject, the background, the client, the purpose and the target audience.


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