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Looking for Project Manager/sViews: 177
Mar 29, 2006 9:26 am Looking for Project Manager/s

Archhana is Away...
Project Manager, India
Nayamode Solutions Pvt Ltd
Bombay, India
KPO leader in Content Lifecycle Management

We’re a young, fast growing company with operations in the US and India. Our customers include major names like Microsoft, Autodesk, Good Technology, iMate amongst others. A significant service we offer to our customers is to help them manage their marketing programs offshore. Projects often involve deep analysis of technology products (e.g. Mobile phones) and require a combination of great project management skills, communication skills combined with marketing savvy.

We need dynamic professionals with a track record of great execution to join our team. You will be organized, focused, pay attention to detail, are comfortable with technology/IT, and work well with different people in virtual teams to get things done. You will have the ability to work directly with demanding clients in the US, as well as ‘execution’ teams based locally in India for your projects. You are accountable and responsible and thrive in an environment where constant change is understood and appreciated and you have the ability to adapt to it and often take advantage of opportunities it throws up.

People with a background in service industries or in technology marketing preferred. MBA a plus. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and industry competitive.

If interested, send email to info@nayamode.com with PM in the subject line.


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