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The CopyWriters Connection [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
How to write a good copyViews: 162
Nov 15, 2005 2:55 pm re: re: How to write a good copy

Steven Boaze

Without knowing specifics, writing copy for
any situation can be a daunting task.

Copy is what sells. Forget about being too long.
Details and a mental picture are all important to
the prospect who is interested.

Never worry about writing for the prospect who
isn't interested. Write only for the ones who are!

Remember that you can never get a person who has
absolutely dead zero interest in you or your
products or services to pay attention to anything
you have to say.

If you write a one word sales letter to such a
person, they will not even read your short
letter. Uninterested people are uniquely
uninterested. Uninterested people will not
respond to you for any reason under any

However, interested people want to know
everything they can about whatever it is you
offer. Interested people can't get enough
information or knowledge about whatever it is
they're interested in.

Interested people want details, specifics,
reasons, explanations, demonstrations, proof,
etc. In other words, they have to be told

And, usually that takes somewhat longer then a
paragraph or two. It could take many, many pages
or minutes.

Don't be boring, and keep explaining until you
have nothing left to say when selling in any
medium! Remember, it should be as long as it has
to be. No longer and no shorter!


Private Reply to Steven Boaze (new win)

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